Monday, March 29, 2010


Some time ago as I was catching up with an old friend at a cafe, the song "Don't Stop Believing" came on the radio, the version done by the cast of Glee. And both of us started singing along at the same time and immediately she gasped and went "OMG! You're a gleek too?" and that stunned me for a while. I mean, what's a gleek?

I went to look the term up and I got this from the free online dictionary:

n. 1.
1. A jest or scoff; a trick or deception.
Where's the Bastard's braves, and Charles his gleeks ?
- Shak.
2. An enticing look or glance.
A pretty gleek coming from Pallas' eye.
- Beau. & Fl.
v. i. 1. To make sport; to gibe; to sneer; to spend time idly.
n. 1.
1. A game at cards, once popular, played by three persons.
2. Three of the same cards held in the same hand; - hence, three of anything.

Obviously, how my friend used the term gleek is not reflected in the above entry. Soooo I went to look up the word in the urban dictionary:
March 8, 2007 Urban Word of the Day
building up saliva in the salivary glands using some stimulus, like sour food or yawning, and then pressing the tongue upon the glands, causing the saliva to shoot out, usually at an impressive distance.
Shit, Eric just gleeked all over my food!
by mike Apr 26, 2003 share this

the use of ones saliva glands to shoot the saliva a credible disatnce, with the intention of hitting someone
Damnit Matt, your fucking uncle gleeked on me again
by martay Feb 18, 2003 share this

To LOVE the show Glee, or if you are in Glee club at your school.
Oh my God, I'm a total Gleek too!!

Bingo. Third meaning there is what I was looking for. So it’s become a term to describe people who are totally in love with the show Glee. How amazing is that? Within months, and just because of a television show, new words are created. And I never knew that people used gleek in the above contexts. Any other fellow gleeks amongst you?

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